Sometimes even acknowledging that you’re not ok makes a shift in your body & mind
Sometimes I wonder if I should share what i do. the depths of what I do. It’s not that I want people to know the intimate details of my life and my Mental, Emotional and Physical health - it’s that i have this passion, this drive, this pull that i cannot explain to be a leader. To show up and speak up for those afraid to. To share my journey so others don’t feel alone, because I know that so many people out there are not as strong as me - yet. I know that by sharing how I’m feeling, what I am doing in the hard times of life (that we ALL go through) I could be someone’s light in the dark from afar, i could offer motivation, inspiration and empowerment to them to do it differently, to crawl out of the hole they buried themselves in. I drop all the ego chatter about what people may think of me - because this isn’t about me, it’s bigger than me. So, that’s why i share. However, I don’t offer every tiny little detail in my life, because that is just fir the people who are in my life intimately. I know I can still help people with my story and experiences, without having to give up every single detail of my life, my kids, my partner etc
Sometimes even acknowledging that you’re not ok makes a shift in your body and mind. Since I kind of had a big meltdown, i released a lot of stored pain and emotions and it has shifted me, so i am now feeling a lot lighter - physically, mentally and emotionally. I acknowledged my darkness, because truth be told, my own darkness scared the shit out of me, and of course that made it hard to allow myself to be vulnerable and let others see my darkness. But fucking hell when you do and they STILL love and accept you, it’s a game changer. But of course I also need to do that to myself, for myself - and I do. It’s not 100% where I’d like it to be, but I do accept that i have darkness, things that bring me feelings of shame and i begin by simply acknowledging them. I see you shame. It’s ok, we’re in this together. I have talked so openly for YEARS about Mental health and I find myself going through something that has pushed my mental health to a limit it has not been pushed to before. I can whinge and complain and be a victim about that or i can use it as an opportunity to grow, evolve, cultivate more self love and self acceptance - and of course that is what i choose.
I have realised how much of the darkness within us is ego, conditioning (worrying about what others think), and we spiral, ruminate and overthink. But the brain and mind can be trained and tamed and imma tame that bitch. I need to be ruthless - because i do have the power to shut it the fuck up if I want to - but truth be told, I let my ego win more often than I’d like. I allow myself to go “but this happened” and “but it’s not fair cos x, y,z” when if I simply instantly accept what is, then move on, or take aligned action - I skip sitting in mental bullshit chatter that created pain and suffering. I hope this makes sense to you!
As i rise and become more empowered, more aware, I see everyone carrying their pain, their self rejection, I see the ego, the conditioning and i wish i could help them all - but I can’t. I can only help those that want MY support and guidance and when they do come to me it is a sacred fucking honour.
I will continue to try new things, refine and hone my existence and share my wisdom with you all, knowing and trusting whether you comment here, whether you connect with me on social media, or work with me as a client - you get something from me showing up and sharing vulnerably.