Please Read!
Hello beautiful humans! I wanted to drop in as it has come to my attention that some of you are still paying to subscribe. Please cancel your subscription if that is what you feel called to do. I LOVE and APPRECIATE ALL the support i have received here. I have thought about dropping in occasionally and sharing, but it is pretty personal stuff that i don’t want public, but I also don’t think it fair for you to pay when I may only post sporadically.
If you want me to share more about how I am dealing with everything as the PTSD is now official and real and I still have a long way to go. I also have blending families and my own journey into intimacy that I have thought about sharing, as I believe we need to speak more about these things and normalise them - but I am not ready to go too deep into that on social media publicly. Let me know by commenting if you would like me to write in here about those topics - or what topics you’d prefer.
My Instagram channel “Soul Safety Sisters” is another space I drop more personal longer riffs in, which i would love for you to join (it’s free). Otherwise if you do want to continue to support me you can do that in a few ways:
Work with me 1-1 (Mindset Coaching and Sound and Energy Healing)
Come to a Sound Journey in person in chch
Watch my social media for some epic NEW ways to work with me….
OR, just follow along in general and please do hang out in my DMs!
Lot’s of love, Sarah x