No Consistency
It’s been another rollercoaster week of ups and downs, there’s no consistency to this journey haha. Dan had a shitty few days with pain last week, then he’s slowly got better and more consistent with managing it, it’s hard to stay positive sometimes when the pain just keeps owning him. Especially as we can’t see what’s going on inside him to know if anything is improving (or getting worse!).
It’s a very DEEP trust that is needed. I mean our bodies can do incredible things and we see it time and time again – although I’m sure mainstream media will try and block and hide and cancel it all because frankly, our society is turning into the sickest it’s ever been with pharmaceutical companies ruling the world – literally. As I write this, it’s come to my attention that our very own government is low key trying to pass a new law to create a regulatory system (like Americas FDA) that will of course be above the law and be able to make their own shit up (that they will say is independent but clearly it wont be and never could be if the govt chooses them) and long story short – they want to make holistic and natural products like homeopathy, and other supplements, even some FOODS – ILLEGAL or extremely hard to get, more expensive etc. Pure fucking insanity! Make an eggplant illegal? HELLO RED FLAGS? In what sane fucking mind is a vegetable so unsafe it needs to be made illegal? The control and manipulation is beyond insane, beyond. People are sicker than every now and they want to keep it that way – take our drugs we made in a lab that we haven’t studied long-term, and that’s it. Don’t worry about what you eat, you don’t need community, or sunshine, or nature, or hobbies you love, just take our pills and oyu’ll be happy and healthy. Just wow.
Anyway, Dan has begun another water fast – this time he is going for 2 weeks. So, this means he wont be taking any supplements or doing any modalities (other than maybe some red light therapy at home, an enema or two etc), the whole point of this is to detox his body and allow his body’s innate intelligence to do what it needs to do! He will go intuitively and stop if the hunger comes back with vengeance.
We met with a holistic, Naturopathic oncologist yesterday – our second port of call to find a holistic health practitioner to guide us, particularly with tests and supplements that are specific to Dan’s body and Dan’s Cancer. The meeting went well and Dan thinks we’ve found our person, so that’s AMAZING, and one less thing to do! Now we can focus on getting some tests and narrowing down a supplement protocol – this will still take time as we can’t do it while hes fasting, but still moving in the right direction.
We have more modalities to try and also continue – like infrared sauna, but again, we have to wait till he’s not fasting.
Each day is a new day, and we are literally playing our life by air, how’s Dan feeling, what does he need today? Does he have appointments? Does he need to just rest? What housework is there? Are the kids at care, what time? Do we need groceries yadda yadda.
I made some time today to go see my healer, which was much needed after almost 3 weeks of pent up overwhelm over the holidays haha. Dan’s going to see another healer who actually did the same energy healing course as me, but she’s been battling Cancer for 6.5 years, so it will be great for Dan to connect in person with someone who understands what it’s like to be in his position.
We got some new books out at the library, so reading those and still more research to do on supplements and modalities we keep hearing of along the way. I’m trying to make it a priority (as is Dan) to connect at least once a week with a friend in person, as community is so important!
I’m also enjoying doing a bit of work here and there around the kids, I recorded a podcast ep, a vid for my course, social media content, working on my website etc still unsure whether to commit to taking clients or not as i’ve already got so much going on and it ain’t small stuff, and things could change at any minute! I’m listening to my intuition there.
Dan’s probably speaking to the hospital oncologist now and their latest push for chemo, so i’m sure he’ll fill me in on that soon :P